So, a few weeks back, I entered the Smoke & Mirrors 48 Hour Film Challenge - a theme is announced at 7pm on Friday and you have until 7pm on Sunday to write, film and edit a 5 minute film... which is not easy.
With the help of a stunning cast and wonderful crew, my film has been short listed for the final. Very fun news for a Friday.
Screen-grab from the film - titled Lost & Found
A massive thank you to cast...
Lisa Cawthorne and James Merry
And crew...
Alan Stewart - DOP
Will Jasper - 1st AD
Claudia Brewster - Production Designer
Avshalom Caspi - Composer
Brian Greenway - Focus Puller
Claire Pie - Clapper Loader
Gabriella Thorpe - Make Up
Jake Whitelee - Sound Mixer
Marc Specter - Sound Supervisor
Udit Duseja - Sound Effects Designer
With additional thanks to...
Sam George and Adam Saward at Another Film Company
Arri Media for camera kit
Panalux for lights